The World Forgotten Children Foundation (WFCF) currently has three funding campaigns in process and through these campaigns we are committed to supporting the essential needs of children with disabilities in China and also communities currently combatting the Covid-19 pandemic in Africa and developing nations worldwide.
Learn more about these campaigns below and on WFCF’s Current Funding Campaigns Page.
Distributing Critical Medical and Therapy Equipment to Children in China

Chinese authorities are estimating that currently 98% of abandoned children in China residing in orphanages and group homes have disabilities. This is primarily because the parents of these children simply cannot afford their care. (Source: The Globe and Mail)
Organizations such as International China Concern whose mission states ‘International China Concern is a Christian development organization that provides love, hope and opportunity to children with disabilities and strives to end abandonment by keeping families together’, is taking significant strides in supporting families with the resources they need in order to end this high rate of abandonment. Their Family Partners Program utilizes a unique multi-disciplinary approach in the form of Cross Care teams. Each team consists of a social worker, a therapist and a special education worker. They visit families in their homes to provide assessments, counselling, therapy and support. (Source: ICC website). ICC has been in operation in China for 25 years and is recognized as the leader in providing care and specialized services to orphaned children and children with disabilities. The World Forgotten Children Foundation (WFCF) has been pleased to support them with numerous projects over the last several years.

At present, WFCF has developed a new funding campaign for critical medical equipment needed by the organization to support these deserving children and set a goal of US $7,959 which they will match (to achieve a total of US $15,918 to go toward the cause). The amount raised will cover the costs of medical and therapy equipment for five children in the Family Partners and Changsha programs.
Visit our GoFundMe page to support International China Concern.
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Aiding Medical Resources Distribution in the Republic of Zambia
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to run rampant, countries such as the Republic of Zambia in Africa that were already struggling with implementing community health programs, are now also struggling with procuring the necessary means to beat the COVID-19 virus.

The World Forgotten Children Foundation (WFCF) has a history of successful campaigns with African Community Project and has once again teamed up, this time to address the crucial need of access to proper medical resources to continue to fight against Covid-19 and other diseases. The Zimba District is currently in significant need of COVID-19 vaccinations along with a community vaccination program for all vaccine types, in addition to the need for vitamin supplements, health education material, hand sanitizer and wipes, personal protection equipment (PPE) (medical gowns, gloves, and masks), medicinal oxygen, various medical apparatus, health services and healthcare professionals, and transportation (fuel and vehicles) to support supply distribution and community visits.
Visit our GoFundMe page to support African Community Project.
[Learn More] or [Donate Now on GoFundMe]
Supporting COVID-19 Vaccine Accessibility for Underprivileged Communities in Developing Countries Around the World
Many developing nations around the world are still having trouble gaining access to Covid-19 vaccines.

While in developed nations governments are assembling initiatives to support resource distribution and vaccination efforts for their citizens, it is important not to forget that there are many people living in so many parts of the world that cannot rely on the assistance of their governments and still do not have access to the necessary vaccine to combat this virus. In an effort to become instrumental in the distribution of the vaccine among these communities and ensure that they have a fair chance of obtaining this vaccine, the World Forgotten Children Foundation (WFCF) is currently raising funds to aid in every aspect of the distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine to lesser developed regions all over the world.
Visit our GoFundMe page to support our efforts.