Social unrest, conflict, and tensions are on the rise all over the world, and their prevalence is continually creating a detriment to the living conditions for children and adults. These crises are leading to a significant decline in even the most basic resources, such as food, water, and shelter for civilians in these locales.
Due to ongoing war and conflicts in places such as the Middle East and Asia, specifically in Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan, a serious orphan crisis has developed.

Many countries in Northern Africa, such as Sudan, have for years suffered from civil war and famine. There are currently an estimated 10% of Sudan’s children living in orphanages and on the streets. Nearly 103 of every 1,000 children die before they even reach their 5th birthday. (Source: Kids Alive International)
The wars and conflicts taking place in northeast Africa and the Middle East are so severe they often overshadow the conflicts going on in Central and South America, central Africa, as well as those in the former Soviet Union countries and southern Asia. (Source: The Truth Source)
Conflicts have created a hindrance for organizations to reach children and families with the resources and care they so desperately need. Additionally, there is an increased rise of disabilities and medical issues in communities that are affected by conflict, due to exposure to violence, poor nutrition, and a lack of accessibility to healthcare.

According to the Women’s Refugee Commission, 6.7 million people with disabilities are forcibly displaced as the result of persecution and other human rights violations, conflict, and generalized violence. Children with disabilities are often at risk of abandonment and violence during these situations. (Source: Human Rights Watch)
When children and young adults with disabilities are displaced in orphanages and other communal spaces, the World Forgotten Children Foundation (WFCF) steps in to support projects that aid in the betterment of resources, medical attention, and global awareness.
Previously, the WFCF has supported projects in countries and regions such as western and southern Africa, Ukraine, China, and Korea, and looks to expand its endeavors further in northern Africa and the Middle East.
WFCF is always welcoming new project proposals and insights into facilities requiring assistance. If you are aware of an organization that can benefit from funding through WFCF, especially those currently located in countries or regions currently dealing with conflict, please do not hesitate visiting the Process for Funding Projects section of the WFCF website.
Kids Alive International (29 March 2018)
The Truth Source (29 March 2018)
“People with Disabilities at Added Risk in War, Displacement,” Human Rights Watch. 3 December 2015, (29 March 2018)